Earlier this year I picked up a shiny new Geochron Atlas 4k digital world map. The idea is fantastic and I will say from the start when it’s up and running it looks amazing.
A full colour 4k world map showing all kinds of live information like aircraft positions, live weather, ham radio information and all sorts of other stuff in what are called layers. Some free layers included included with the Geochron, and some premium paid for layers you pay for on a monthly/annual subscription.
The only problem is that the mapping application runs on a tiny dedicated black box computer that you can not get into, and that computer is just WAY under powered for the job it needs to do. It overheats all the time, it doesn’t like running multiple layers, it “forgets” that you have paid for some premium layers and refuses to display them and then even when it does show the premium layers it forgets all your setting so you have to spend another hour setting it back up again.
just the device “the black box” (without a display) costs £479 and it’s probably one of the biggest piles of expensive crap I’ve ever had the misfortune to buy. While not as graphicly pleasing you can get a Ham Clock system up and running with a sall monitor for around £80. Ham Clock while not as comprehensive as a Geochron is reliable and works every time you turn it on and that’s important to me.
My advice to anyone thinking of buying a Geochron is simple, DON’T. Take a look at a Ham Clock system instead for a 5th of the price and put the rest of the money towards something else for the shack.