
A Working Solution To Not Tuning 40 Meters

mAT-30 Auto Antenna Tuner

Even though I now have the Yaesu FTdx101MP radio on my desk which is probably one of the best radios in the world right now the built in Antenna Tuner will only tune an SWR of 3:1 or better.

On all bands apart from 40 meters my SWR was below 2:1 so making the fine tuning was no problem. But on 40 meters my SWR shot up to 4.5:1 so the radio just wouldn’t tune.

The solation, an external that can tune a much wider SWR discrepancy than 3:1. So today a mAT-30 Automatic Antenna Tuner arrive, got plugged in, a few changes were made in the radio and now I can tune and operate on 40 meters.

The mAT-30 ATU seems much faster to tune that the built in ATU but it is also VERY noisy when tuning. Sounding like someone rattling a tin can full of ball bearings.