I’m forever on a quest to improve my antenna. At the moment my antenna is down while the landlord is carrying out improvements to the grounds. While it’s down I’m going to carry out some substantial changes.
At the moment I’m running a 29′ end fed random wire. One end is attached to a loop in the wall, the other end is attached to the top of a 3 meter high light stand. It works but it’s not ideal.
The plan of action is to attach a new 10 meter aluminium telescopic pole to the existing light stand and extend it to about 7 – 8 meters in hight. Then attach the 9:1 unun to the bottom of the pole and run the antenna wire up to the top with a 400mm stand off from the pole to avoid interference. Then across to the the original wall mount thus giving me a 56′ inverted “L” configuration with the long leg of the L sloping from 8 meters down to 3 meters. Vastly lengthening what I currently have but within the same footprint.
Everything is on order and arriving from Moonraker, Martin Lynch and Amazon in the next few days. Once it arrives, construction will commence.
My hope and goal for this upgrade it to vastly improve RX/TX on the 80m, 160m and 80m bands as well as overall improvements across the other bands. I also hope that the slope will open up signals in a southerly direction which at the moment is almost completely closed to me.