So, it’s possibly been one of the hardest 3 weeks I think I’ve had to live through for quite some time. Without going in to details, my landlord “demanded” that I took my random wire antenna down immediately. No discussion, no can we talk or can we find an alternative. Just “GET IT DOWN”.
As you can imaging, I didn’t cope well with that news and I ended up putting myself in hospital and just a lot of mess and distress for me that could have been avoided.
Anyway, after letters, e-mails and even safeguarding reports being sent all over the place, a meeting was held last Thursday (12th September), and eventually an option that suited both myself and my landlord (Jigsaw Homes Group) was reached.
I won’t lie, I was fighting for my life and it has set me back in terms of my mental health years.
The gist of the meeting however, is as follows:
(a) Take down the inverted “L” random wire and scrap it.
(b) Replace it with a Baby Loop Antenna from Ciro Mazzoni.
While this is going to cost me a little over £2000 to do, I’m actually very happy with the outcome in terms of what I will end up with. I always had the Baby Loop on my wish list but never thought I could get away with putting such a fancy looking antenna up. So all has ended up well.
The antenna is on it’s way from the great ML&S and will arrive in the next few days or so along with a Yaesu G450 rotator, a Yaesu GC-038 adaptor plate for the rotator and various cables and other bits.
Hopefully I should have something up and running by the end of the week(ish).