I said a few days ago my HF Antenna was finished. Since then Storm Lilian has hit with gusts of wind hitting between 70 to 80 miles per hour.
The antenna was fine and didn’t budge an inch. Monitoring the top of the antenna on CCTV showed no detectable sway in any direction. I put this down to a good solid base but it’s especially down to being rigged with good guy ropes and ground stakes.
You can see them in the video in bright yellow/green. However, they are made from 3mm paracord. Paracord is strong but it doesn’t have a long outdoor service life and there is a little bit of give in it.
So, I’m going to replace the guy ropes with 2mm PVC coated stainless Steel muti-strand wire. Much longer outdoor life, many times stronger than paracord and no give so an even more solid antenna.
Just a bit of belts and braces for the inevitable winter storms to come.