

Jimbo Part 2

Well, the story of WA5JIM Jimbo (as I’m calling him now) is just getting stranger by the minute. Here is the reply received when I asked who the hell did he think he was……

Who am I ?  Maybe you can’t get it.  I care about the world. Not my personal agenda. My Ham radio is about the world. NOT my personal agenda. Think about that ! 

I’m baffled by this guys ranting. I have no idea what he is going on about or what’s upset him. The guy is insane if you ask me.

Anyway, I’ve told him he needs to drop his ego down several notches and at the same time learn to put in place some personal boundaries because right now he’s really not got any.

And finally for my own satisfaction I signed off my email “go FUCK yourself”

As far as I’m concerned the matter is now closed, not that I ever felt the matter was open to be honest with you.

You know what they say……

There’s nowt so queer as folk