
Hi Everyone out there in amateur radio land

My name is Debbie and my callsign is 2E0BAF. I live in a town called Carlton, which can be found on the eastern side of the wonderful city of Nottingham, England. Home of the legend who was Robin Hood and the place that the English Civil War started many years before I was born apparently!

I have been licenced since May 2005 and hold a UK intermediate licence and at the moment I’m not planning on upgrading to a full UK licence any time soon.

I’m currently running an Icom IC-705 QRP rig for most of my HF QRP work via the AH-705 tuner and outputting a massive 5-10 watts into a 15 meter (41 foot) end fed random wire antenna in an inverted L configuration about 7 meters off the ground at the highest point. While this antenna isn’t ideal, I actually find it works brilliantly and I am making contacts both digital and SSB all around the world! I have recently added to my shack the Yaesu FTdx101MP rig replacing my Yaesu FT-710 to give myself the option of using 100 watts for those DX QSLs across the pond and further afield.

I also use an Icom ID52E and a Yaesu FT5D via a Zum hotspot and I like to have my new little Icom IC-R15 scanner sitting in the background.

Finally, I use an SDRPlay RSPdx software radio running SDRUno on the laptop. This is now properly configured and working across it’s full frequency range.

73s and 88s

2E0BAF Mission Control