

My Ever Evolving Shack And Mission Control
  • Latitude 52.965163 (52° 57′ 54” N)
  • Longitude -1.089904 (1° 5′ 23” W)
  • Grid Square IO92kx
  • CQ Zone 14

Station Equipment List

  • Icom IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF 10w QRP Transmitter
  • Yaesu FTdx-101MP HF/50m 200w Transmitter
  • Icom AH-705 Antenna Tuner
  • mAT-30 Antenna Tuner
  • Icom ID-52e HT
  • Yaesu FT-5 HT
  • Icom IC-R15 Communications Receiver/Scanner
  • Zum 3.5 Elite Hotsopt
  • SDRPlay RSPdx SDR Reciever
  • Antenna 1 – 47 foot Random Wire In An Inverted “L” 7 Meters High
  • Antenna 2- Diamond D-130 Discone Wide Band RX/TX
  • Icom V-S3 Bluetooth Mic
  • Yaesu M-1 Referance Desk Mic
  • MyDel MP-304 mkII PSU
  • Geochron Digital Atlas 2 4K Digital World Map
  • Toshiba 43″ 4K TV
  • Dell Laptop and Second Dell Monitor for logging