
The Constant Development Of 2E0BAF Mission Control

The Updated Mission Control

With the addition of the new Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop antenna I also took the time to undertake a bit of a revamp in the shack (again!!).

With the loop needing the addition of the loop ATU and the rotator controller I added a set of shelves over the top of the radio giving me much more real-estate to put everything. Before the revamp everything was staked directly on top of the radio and just didn’t look good.

The lower shelf now hosts the loop ATU, SWR/Power meter, rotator control and the Icom IC-705 all at the perfect eye level hight.

The top shelf hosts the 3rd PC monitor and the external display for the FT101dxMP on matching Dell 24″ windscreens. These monitors are now mounted on 3rd party VESA monitor arms which allows me to bring them forward and at the same time angle them to better face me.

I’ve never used the VESA mounts before, just going with the standard mounts/stands that come with the monitors and I have to say that I’m absolutely delighted with the results. I’ve even changed to a VESA mount for my 27″ monitor on the right which has given me a lot more desk space and brought the monitor forward and closer to me. The overall effect is to create a “cocooned” feel with me at the centre of my desk. A total win situation.

Oh yes, I also added some blue LED accent lights under the shelves just for effect. There’s always room for blue LED lighting 🙂