


Got a strange e-mail this morning from WA5JIM over in the good old USA saying just the following with no “hello”, “good bye” or even an attempt at an explanation. Very rude if you ask me.

“Please keep your politics out of Ham radio. We are neutral. We don’t take sides. Its a good practice.”

Jimbo my little friend, if you are going to send e-mails like this then at least try to be a little more “informative” with what you are trying to say. Given that we have never had a QSO or any other form of communication I’m really not sure what the hell you are on about or what’s upset you.

If, as I suspect it’s the rainbow flag that is on my QRZ.com page then I’m bloody glad it’s pissed you off because you are just the sort of “redneck retard” it was aimed at.

And just because I know it pissed you off when it was on QRz.com here it is again especially for you!

I fly this flag with pride because so many in the world are not free to do so 

Jimo, just an after thought, if you wish to respond of reply to this post feel free to do so, you have my email address. I will listen open mindedly and even publish your response because that’s my politics!