
Category: Uncategorized

  • I’m Now A .com!

    Couldn’t resist it and at only £2.50 for a full year of registration I bought 2E0BAF.com yesterday. So if you now visit http://2E0BAF.com it automatically bounces you to my http://2E0BAF.co.uk as if by magic!!

  • Too Many Screens?

    Personally I don’t believe it’s possible to have too many screens when you are playing radio. To this end I have done a little hunting through some storage boxes and found my old iPad mini and pressed into service for QSO logging via QRZ.com. To be honest, if I’m working voice contacts on SSB then…

  • A QSO With S51DX!

    Take a long look at the face of this man because this is the face of a man who doesn’t deserve to hold an Armature Radio Licence. This is JANEZ CELARCOb Ljubljanici 4VRHNIKA 1360Slovenia A man who brags about getting 700,000 QSOs recently on his QRZ page. This morning (28th March 2024) at around 09:00…

  • Another New Toy In The Shack!

    I’m always looking to add something new in the shack and this week I took a trip down to London (Staines) and visited the fabulous Martin Lynch & Sons (ML&S) radio shop. I traded in a few old bits and with the money from the trade I treated myself to a shiny new Yaesu M-70…

  • New Toys In The Shack This Week!

    So, I’ve added 2 new gadgets to the shack this week. The first is a SignaLink USB interface. This is to allow me to run FT8 via the WSJTX application from the Yaesu FT-891 and therefore run just a little bit more power (50watts). The gadget actually is made very nicely made and feels like…

  • FT8 QSO With RX9ATX

    I’m absolutely amazed. I’ve just had an FT8 contact over on the far east of Russian / Mongolian boarder. That’s 4233 mile away in 10 watts and a bit of wire. A good genuine DX Contact.

October 2024