
Too Many Screens?

Personally I don’t believe it’s possible to have too many screens when you are playing radio. To this end I have done a little hunting through some storage boxes and found my old iPad mini and pressed into service for QSO logging via QRZ.com.

To be honest, if I’m working voice contacts on SSB then I don’t need the extra iPad screen. I can just use my main laptop, but when I’m doing FT8 then my right hand screen runs GridTracker showing the location of all the FT8 contacts I’m receiving, my laptop screen runs the WSJTX software and shows me what’s happening and this means that every time I have to look up a contact and/or log that contact in QRZ.com I have to switch screens which was an pain in the backside.

Now I don’t have that problem so all is good in the FT8 logging world and secretly I sit looking at my desk and I think to myself “that looks good!”

2E0BAF Mission Control With The Addition Of The iPad Mini On The Left