
Category: Uncategorized

  • Yaesu G-450c Rotator Controller Upgrade/Mod

    The controller for the G-450c rotator has an old traditional lightbulb behind the display dial. This gives a rather “yellow” light to everything. I don’t like it! So I did a little searching on good old google and discovered that there is a very simple LED upgrade/mod kit you can buy to change up the…

  • Seems The Mic Is Working Now

    I mentioned that I had had a very poor audio report the other day from a very honest operator and it had motivated me to spend a few hours setting the Yaesu Reference M-1 mic up properly. Today there was a big SSB competition up in Scandinavia and I had a great time doing my…

  • The More Complicated A Thing Is The Harder It Is To Get Right!

    When I picked up my FTdx101MP radio I also treated myself to the Yaesu flagship mic, the “Reference M-1”. It’s an amazing mic that’s highly configurable and I have high hopes and expectations for it. Afterall, it cost as much as some complete HF radios at £700 a pop!!! As can be seen from the…

  • The Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop Is Performing REALLY well.

    So, the Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop antenna has been up for just over a week now and my first impression are that it is totally worth the £2000 price tag. Repeated FT8 testing via the PSKReporter sit is showing propagations all over the world. On my random wire antenna I could get into North America…

  • The Constant Development Of 2E0BAF Mission Control

    With the addition of the new Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop antenna I also took the time to undertake a bit of a revamp in the shack (again!!). With the loop needing the addition of the loop ATU and the rotator controller I added a set of shelves over the top of the radio giving me…

  • The New Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop In Up And Running.

    With all of the recent problems I’ve had from my landlord I had to take the end fed wire down and replace it with the Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop antenna. Over the last few days myself and my father worked together to get the antenna out on the ground and wired up and I’m delighted…

  • Antenna, So What’s Happened, And What’s Happening?

    So, it’s possibly been one of the hardest 3 weeks I think I’ve had to live through for quite some time. Without going in to details, my landlord “demanded” that I took my random wire antenna down immediately. No discussion, no can we talk or can we find an alternative. Just “GET IT DOWN”. As…

  • G6XX – My First 80m LSB Contact

    I’m so delighted to confirm my very first 80m LSB voice QSO with the RSGB Contest Station on 3.716.160Mhz It took some doing for them to get my callsign correct but the operator stuck with it and in the end it went into my logbook

  • A Difficult Night Tonight

    Tonight my entire radio hobby it in jeopardy. For now that’s all I’m going to say.

  • Something To Think About For 2025 Maybe

    I’m not saying this is going to happen, but I am starting the “thinking” process for replacing my Icom IC-705 with the new and soon (early 2025) to be released Yaesu FTX-1F. I absolutely love my little Icom IC-705 QRP rig and it has served me very well over the last 5 years but maybe…

October 2024